
What will the challenges be?!?!

Wouldn't you love to know...I'd hate to spoil a good surprise...but as challenge master...I'll do my best to provide some insights while not showing all of my cards.

First, given the current circumstances, we know we must create challenges that respect social distancing and limited resources as many gyms/parks/etc are closed. With this in mind...we're getting creative...and we hope you will too ;)

See hints about what kinds of challenges you can expect in the competition below.


Most challenges will be MOVEment oriented / Fitness-focused. This was our primary reason for creating different competition levels so that the physical challenges can be scaled appropriately. Challenges in this category might include running/walking, biking, stair climbing, push ups, sit ups, planks, burpees, jump rope, balance and coordination, etc.

However, the main objective with the challenge is to have fun engaging with health behaviors while raising money for a good there are at least two other challenge categories and ways to earn points.


We know that athletic feats are not everyone's forte...and have learned in the past that some people really thrive in the kitchen. There will be challenges where you can showcase your skills. Challenges in this category won't be scaled (FUEL-focused challenges will be the same for all levels of competition).


Finally, we know some people have that "it" factor...and "it" has nothing to do with their physical ability or culinary mastery. For those of who are not afraid to put themselves out there and get creative...there will be opportunities to earn "style points" throughout all of the challenges.

See an example on the Rules Page.

Choose your challenge

Our challenge master is feeling generous. He's giving you the opportunity to "choose your challenge." If there's a specific activity you have in mind that you'd like to see incorporated into the challenge, let him know by commenting on the Facebook post or emailing with your questions or requests.


Sneak Peek

Check out the video for a sneak peek on what the challenges in Stronger, Happier US might look like!

Collect clues

Each time you complete a challenge (and your proof is verified/awarded), you will be sent a clue in addition to the next challenge.

Your goal is to complete challenges, and collect clues, quickly. Challenges will require a team effort to complete them.

After collecting all the clues, you will receive further instructions on what to do.

Challenge 1

Here is your first challenge, good luck!